A very short story

What would you hop away from? I was reminded the other day of the story of the frog. If you put a frog in a pan of cold water and very gentle heated the water the poor frog would die because he would not notice the temperature increase because it was so gradual. Now...

Radio interview on career success

You may have heard me asking people if they thought they were more like a bat or a frog in their career? Here’s is a good reminder of what that is all about and why it is even more important in the types of career we are looking...

Inspiration can come out of a difficult situation!

Charisma is an important part of getting noticed at work because like a smile it draws people to us. I’m going to share with you my  definition of charisma however first I’d like to tell you a little about how I can up with the defintion. I was being...

Getting noticed at work – how technology can help you.

I heard something today that I thought you might find useful if you want to increase your chances of being headhunted combined with being up to speed in what is really happening in your industry. Get the world wide web working for you by having a Linked In profile. I...

Work sometimes feels like going back to school!

It’s my first full week back at work after my summer holiday and it definately feels a bit like going back to school. Do you know what I mean? Summer is drawing to a close, there is an Autumn feel in the air, the children are back to school and business goals...

Going on holiday is a good thing!

I am a big fan that going on holiday is really about going on holiday. Taking a totally break from work really helps us to get noticed while we are there. So I’m taking my summer holiday and going off to Scotland on a three week road trip where the scenery is...

The importance of taking action

I had dinner last night with a colleague of mine who is a top leadership coach. He was telling me about how he had entered a high profile race which took place over several days. Due to an injury at the end of day one he could not complete it. So after months of...

Get noticed at work by growing!

Being known as someone who is a great sounding board is a powerful way to get noticed at work. The two key skills you need for this is the ability to ask great questions and really listen to the answers. And the attitude that will keep drawing people to you is one of...

Spring is a great time for growth.

Being known as a leader who is a great sounding board is a powerful way to help others grow and develope. The two key skills you need for this is the ability to ask great questions and really listen to the answers. The attitude that will keep drawing people to you is...

Attitude is infectious is yours worth catching

We can all think of people in our organisations that are referred to as “mood hovers” or “energy vampires” equally we can all think of people who are “chuckle dusters” simply they are really enjoyable to be around. What would people say about you? The effect we have...