A lesson from a world renowned brand

Would you invest in a business that didn’t invest in itself?  Why should a business invest in you if you’re not investing in yourself.  Remember the famous quote by the Apple corporation “Your sense of job security lies within your employability”So start...

Baby boomers, Generation X and Y – Who is most employable?

The whole baby boomers, generation X and Y is a very loose theory open to wide interpretation and debate at best and at worst utterly daft to try to categorise 10 of millions of people because of the time period they were born in. So why am I raising the topic. Simply...

Audit of Your Personal Brand.

Organisations the world over spend billions in cash and time on understanding and marketing their brands.Brands whether personal or corporate are key to success. So take 5 minutes to audit your MePlc brand. Delivering on task alone is not enough to get you...

Are you making the most of your power?

The Power Base Model Personal Power Bases When considering getting noticed at work it might be useful to make sure that you are tapping into your personal power in the most effective way. Boss Boots: This is about the power vested in you by the organisation to do the...

Attitude is infectious is yours worth catching?

We can all think of people in our organisations that are referred to as “mood hovers” or “energy vampires” equally we can all think of people who are “chuckle dusters” simply they are really enjoyable to be around. What would people say about you? The effect we have...

A quote to start the year.

I came across this quote the other day “You become who you spend time with”. Just for a moment think about who you spend time with at work? Would you benefit by spending time with other people? If you want to get noticed at work it is important to spend...

Presenting your way to success

The fastest way to get noticed at work is to become a competent and confident presenter.Whether it is one on one, small groups or larger audiences it is a core skill to getting noticed at work. Use the questionnaire below to find out what is working for you and what...

Being a confident presenter.

Here are seven steps that will help you over come nerves and build confidence as a presenter. (1)      Preparation: Remember, if you have researched and prepared your subject thoroughly, YOU are the expert, YOU know about the subject.             The one eyed man is...

Develope stage presence and get noticed at work.

DEVELOPING STAGE PRESENCE When you have decided on the content and structure of your presentation, you can be confident that you will say what you need to say in a logical order, and you will know roughly how long it will take you.  You have the material – what about...