Charisma is an important part of getting noticed at work because like a smile it draws people to us.

I’m going to share with you my  definition of charisma however first I’d like to tell you a little about how I can up with the defintion. I was being interviewed by a well known broadsheet journalist on the subject of Charisma.She had a reputation as being very tough and a bit of a bully most especially if she didn’t agree with your view. She kept pushing me to confirm her view that Charisma was superficial. Where as I feel that it has real depth and comes from somewhere deep inside a person.She continued on and on and I could feel myself getting more and more uncomfortable.

Then I heard myself say very calmly I believe that Charisma is an external demonstration of something that  really matters to that person inside. When something really matters to you and you feel passionately about it does it affect how you come across?. I’m going to guess you’ll answer yes to that. I think we have all at times in our life demonstrated the ability to inspire action, loyalty and enthusiasm in others. And that is a defintion of Charisma.

Just in case you are wondering that journalist went on to write a really positive piece and I albeit under real pressure had come up with a defintion of Charisma that numerous clients have found helpful.

How can you use a difficult situation to get noticed in a positive way?

Here’s to your success,
