We can all think of people in our organisations that are referred to as “mood hovers” or “energy vampires” equally we can all think of people who are “chuckle dusters” simply they are really enjoyable to be around. What would people say about you?

The effect we have on people has a subtle yet powerful impact on getting noticed. Our attitude is greatly influenced by our levels of self esteem and confidence. If you want to improve your self esteem and confidence it is critical to grab that thing between your ears called a brain and get it focused on your successes and strengths.

One way to do that is to spend five minutes at the end of each working day making a note of at least ten small wins or success you have had that day. For instance 1. Tackled a difficult conversation 2. Completed a report before the deadline 3. Used the stairs all day not the lift 4. Started preparing the presentation I have been putting off. Etc

It is quick and easy to do. Also it is guaranteed to boost your self esteem and confidence.

As these are the bedrock of having an attitude worth catching I’d suggest five minutes is worth spending in this way.

My favorite definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing and expecting a difference result”. Where would a small change in your attitude yield big results? What action can you take?

“It is in our choices, Harry that we show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

Professor Humbledore to Harry Potter in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling

A couple of wise choices a day will do wonders for your career success.