I am writing this on February 14th which is Valentine’s day here in the UK. Valentines day seems to be about demonstrating love and appreciation of another. If I could create a corporate Valentines Day it would be about loving and appreciating our selves and all we bring to the work we do.

Ways to boost self esteem and confidence are a regular topic in coaching sessions and workshops. The fastest way to decimate your self esteem and confidence is to develop the habit of focusing on your short comings with a big magnifying glass. I once heard this said “If someone else spoke to me the way I speak to myself I’d sue”. Does that sound familiar?

Develop the habit of self acknowledgement and appreciation.One way to do this is to keep a daily log of small wins and successes. Start with five things a day and build up to 50. Yes I did say 50. Just imagine if you did this five days a week for a month what it would do for your self esteem and confidence. Not to mention the awareness it would develop around your personal brand.

I would say that self confidence is indeed career critical as well as being key to a happy and healthy life!