Crucially, a charismatic leader is someone who manifestly inspires, motivates and sometimes mesmerizes the people they lead: Bill Clinton, Jack Welch, Nicola Horlick,  Anita Roddick, and Nelson Mandela come easily to mind. As well you know you don’t need to be senior or leading a team of people to be veiwed in business as a charismatic leader. Charisma is currency. In fact, anyone who depends on making an exceptional and lasting impression on others for their livelihood should consider the question of charisma.In the business world it has been proved time and again that effective human relationships are at the core of successful businesses.

In view of the recent rise in known executive misbehavior and correspondingly poor business results, perhaps it would be universally beneficial for medical research to concentrate on cloning not sheep, but charismatic leaders with integrity.

Your company needs chrisma as do you to succeed so show up and shine.

Show up and shine