Have you ever had a day when everything thing seemed to go wrong? I had a day like that yesterday. major printer and PC issues befell my home office. And yes you guessed it on the day we had various big deadlines to meet. Then on the domestic front I noticed leaking water in my kitchen. Serious stuff most especially as I live in top floor flat. Flooding the neighbours is not the way to endear yourself to them!

In the midst of all this my office phone rang.It was one of my coaching clients Paul  ringing to report his success speaking at the annual company conference. That call changed my day because when we started to work together the thought of speaking in public would have put Paul into a panic. And here he was reporting his success and saying not only did the speech go well but he felt comfortable and fairly relaxed.

So I asked him what was the most important part of getting to his goal. His response was “Taking small bit size bits of consistent action in areas I really wanted to avoid because you can learn to be a great presenter.It was through an accumulation of all the small steps that I became good” I came of the phone feeling feeling delighted for him and fulfilled that I’d provided practical tools to help.

As I returned to my office/domestic chaos the words “bit sized bits of consistent action” were ringing in my ears.Not surprisingly they helped solve many of my challenges. Just waiting for the plumber now!

What would you benefit from taking bite sized bits of consistent action in that would help you get noticed at work?

Here’s to your success,
